Twenty Myths About Asbestos Attorney: Busted
Asbestos Litigation
A significant amount of asbestos litigation has been handled by courts across the country. Research has shown that exposure to asbestos can cause lung damage and disease.
An attorney must be able identify asbestos in each case. This can be accomplished by discussing with colleagues, obtaining reports, or looking at samples taken from homes or workplaces.

You may be entitled to compensation if you or someone you care about is diagnosed with a disease related to asbestos. Compensation may help pay for lost wages, medical expenses and other costs associated with mesothelioma, or any other asbestos-related disease. You can start a lawsuit to claim compensation or make a settlement offer from the defendants in the case.
In asbestos cases, there are usually multiple defendants due to the fact that there are a variety of mining companies that manufacture asbestos and manufacturers of products containing asbestos. These businesses may also own or have control of asbestos-contaminated properties. Companies that offered services to asbestos-using mines or manufacturers or acted in the capacity of an employer may also be accountable for the injuries of victims.
Asbestos suits typically fall under product liability laws that are based upon state and common laws that allow for damages to be recovered from sellers of goods when those products cause injury. In a suit for product liability where the injuries resulted from defective design or manufacturing and that the victim was not adequately warned of the risks associated with the products.
In asbestos cases, defendants often claim that they weren't negligent and that their products are safe. This is in spite of the fact that doctors have long known that asbestos-containing items are linked to a wide range of ailments. Companies who concealed asbestos-related risks to increase profits were accused of a cover-up as they sought to thwart claims and stop workers from claiming an amount of compensation for their injuries.
A jury or judge can decide how to distribute responsibility between defendants if more than one defendant is found responsible for an asbestos-related injury. This process is referred to as the apportionment. The apportionment of liability does not alter the amount of money a plaintiff can receive in compensation from the defendants in the case.
A lawsuit against a company which manufactured or sold asbestos can help victims receive compensation. This includes the cost of medical treatment and lost wages as a result of being unable to do their job. Victims can also be awarded compensatory and punitive damages.
The lawsuit asserts that the defendant acted with negligence, meaning it did not exercise reasonable care to ensure the product was safe for the intended use. It is also claimed that the defendant knew that asbestos was a risk and failed to inform consumers and workers of this risk.
An asbestos lawsuit may be filed by a victim or the estate of a person who passed away from an asbestos-related disease like mesothelioma. A person can start a personal injury suit to claim compensation for non-economic and economic damages, such as emotional distress as well as loss of enjoyment life and suffering and pain. In addition, the survivor family members of someone who passed away from an asbestos-related disease can bring a wrongful death lawsuit.
After an asbestos case has been filed, the parties exchange information through the process of discovery. This process can last several months and may involve interviews with coworkers, family members, abatement workers and others in order to identify potential defendants.
Due to the complexity of asbestos litigation, it is crucial that plaintiffs choose a seasoned lawyer handling their case. The law firm that a victim or their loved ones chooses must be aware of the complexities unique to asbestos litigation and should be recognized by defendants and insurance companies for its expertise in asbestos cases.
The attorneys at LK's are asbestos litigation experts with decades of experience representing asbestos victims and their families. We are known for our ability in obtaining maximum compensation for our clients.
If you have any questions regarding filing an asbestos suit, contact us for a no-cost consultation. We are committed to fighting for justice on behalf of our clients. Our offices are located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Houston, Texas. We represent clients throughout the United States. Contact us via phone or email now to get started.
When asbestos victims win their lawsuits, they receive compensation from the companies which exposed them to harmful substances. The money is meant to pay the victim and his or her family for financial losses caused by asbestos exposure. Compensation can also be used to cover pain and suffering.
Asbestos cases are usually settled instead of going to trial. This is because it is more cost-effective and easier for the defendant companies to settle the case this way. Settlements also prevent negative publicity that may come with a verdict at trial. It is essential to choose mesothelioma lawyers who have years of experience in obtaining maximum damages for their clients.
Mesothelioma cases are complex, and attorneys must conduct extensive research about their clients' medical records as well as their work history and asbestos exposure. They can help clients identify potential asbestos-producing companies that may be the cause of their condition. Lawyers can then gather evidence and use it to build a mesothelioma lawsuit that is strong.
massachusetts asbestos attorney can uncover evidence that asbestos companies were negligent in depositions and discovery. Evidence usually comes in the form internal memos, corporate documents, and testimony from former employees who have worked with asbestos-containing material. In many cases the documents prove that asbestos-producing companies knew about mesothelioma's risks and other asbestos-related diseases, but did not divulge this information to their workers or to the public.
Many states have set a limit, referred to a statute of limitations, for how long asbestos victims can file a lawsuit. These deadlines vary from state to state, but generally range between one and two years. If the statute of limitation expires before a suit for mesothelioma can be filed, the victim will lose their right to receive compensation.
The amount victims can receive depends on the diagnosis of their asbestos-related disease the severity of their condition is, as well as other factors. Attorneys consider treatment costs as well as other expenses in negotiations to ensure that patients have enough money to cover their medical bills. Asbestos-related victims may also be able to claim through trust funds that have been established for those diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related illnesses.
Some of these trusts have been depleted, but others continue to pay out substantial awards. In 2018 the United States court granted $70,000,000 to the family of a U.S. Navy machinist diagnosed with mesothelioma from working with gaskets made by John Crane Inc.
Trials are a better option for asbestos victims than settlement offers. Trials can solve issues that aren't resolved through settlement negotiations. For example, there could be differences in the calculation of damages and the possibility that a patient's condition was caused by a specific exposure.
In a court of law, plaintiffs be required to prove that they are entitled damages, including future and past medical costs and lost wages, damages to property as well as discomfort and pain and loss in consortium. The defendant must also prove its liability for the asbestos-related injuries. The trial can take a long time. In the last 10 years mesothelioma cases, jury awards have increased dramatically and significantly exceeded the amount given by judges in settlement cases.
A mesothelioma lawyer can assist victims understand the process of trial and explain their legal rights in a courtroom open to the public. A qualified lawyer can also assist in identifying potential defendants. Contrary to litigation involving car accidents where it's usually easy to determine the responsible parties involved, asbestos cases can be more complicated. This is especially true when an individual has been exposed to asbestos in multiple locations and at different dates. A mesothelioma lawyer with experience can interview witnesses, such as family members, coworkers and abatement workers, to compile an inventory of employers, products and the locations.
There is a growing concern the cost of settling claims of asbestos victims from the past can drain funds that could be used to pay for future cases. Some claimants also believe that settlements aren't basing on actual injuries and they deserve more compensation.
Plaintiffs can challenge dismissal of asbestos claims with summary judgment, or a finding that there was no exposure. However these motions require an in-depth review of the evidence and an expert opinion that the doses of asbestos the plaintiff took were not sufficient to cause mesothelioma. While the process can be lengthy, a knowledgeable mesothelioma lawyer can help speed up the process and ensure that it does not be added to the long queue of cases that are awaiting the courts.